“Out There” is the slang used by urban drug dealers to describe a “countryside” they hardly know and yet greedily exploit through County Lines. Welsh farmer, NATHAN will stop at nothing to protect his son and farm. Nathan’s son, JOHNNY has reconnected with an old friend, RHYS, now a local drug dealer. Rhys manages to trick Johnny into running drugs for him. On learning part of this, Nathan tries to sort things out for Johnny the best way he knows how: by threatening Rhys and trying to pay off the debt without involving the police.
Meanwhile PC JANE CROWTHER, is well aware of Rhys and his dealings, gathering evidence to put these parasites away once and for all. Having grown up locally, Crowther takes this plight to protect her town personally. She will stop at nothing to eradicate this growing, insidious
crime wave and to defend what she knows and loves.